
Meme text to speech
Meme text to speech

For example, the donation text was used multiple times during xQc's Counter-Strike: Global Offensive stream on January 3rd, 2020 (one clip shown below). In early January 2020, the UU? RR? donations gained significant popularity in the channel of the prominent Twitch streamer xQc. Upon the donation, which contains "uu? rr?" copypasted multiple times, the text-to-speech bot vocalizes the text in a melodic way, producing a "uu-aaa" chant. While the exact first use of UU? RR? donations is unknown, the earliest confirmed instance of a UU? RR? donation is the August 26th, 2019, broadcast by Twitch streamer JayTheCoug's (shown below). The donations are usually met with PepeJAM or PepePls emote spam in chat. Originating in 2019, UU? RR? donations gained significant popularity in the channel of popular Twitch streamer xQc in early January 2020. UU? RR? refers to a copypasta used in text-to-speech donations on Twitch which produces a melodic "uu-aaa" chant upon being read by the text-to-speech software. Xqc, twitch chat, tts, text to speech, donations, uu rr, pepepls, spam, yoohoo hurrah, chant, jaythecoug, pokketer_l1, l1nken, euphoric rager About

Meme text to speech